STR | Outposts

Director Resources

Thank you so much for partnering with us through Outposts. You are a vital part of this ministry and I appreciate your desire to disciple believers through apologetics.

This page is where you can find all the necessary resources to run your Outpost effectively. We will be adding discussion guides, according to the course schedule, throughout the year. If you need anything at all, please email me at

Thanks for serving the Lord through Outposts,
- Robby Lashua

Course Discussion Guides
STR U Videos
Outpost directors have access to an STR U account that has all of the courses and videos unlocked. You can use this to be able to quickly access any of the videos for presentations or sharing. To do this:
  1. Log into with the username 'outposts' and the password provided by Robby.
  2. Select a course.
  3. Select which lesson you would like to view - While viewing the course material you can move back and forth within the course by selecting which lesson at the top right of the screen.

This Tactics Material is to be used instead of the STRU Tactics Course. This material is longer and more in depth than the STRU Course, so when you get to the place of teaching Tactics in your Outpost, we would prefer that you use this material. Each video is about 60 minutes long, so we suggest that you watch ½ of a video per meeting so that discussion can still take place. Let me know if you have any questions about the material.

  1. Getting You into the Driver’s Seat:
    Learning the “Columbo” Tactic
    Video | Slides
  2. Refining the “Columbo” Tactic
    Video | Slides
  3. Perfecting the “Columbo” Tactic
    Video | Slides
  4. The “Suicide” Tactic
    Video | Slides
  5. The “Taking the Roof Off ” Tactic
    Video | Slides
  6. The “Steamroller” Tactic
    Video | Slides
Student Manual
Teacher Manual
2023 Directors Conference
Promotional Materials

Promotional Package [9.2 MB] - Includes media material to help you advertise your outpost within your church and online.

Video to share with church leaders