
Can God’s Existence Be Proved?

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Published on 04/06/2008

Greg talks about if God’s existence can be proved, then takes calls on what the proper way is to contextualize the Gospels without changing the message, if prayer changes things, if doubt is sin, and more.


  • Commentary: Can God’s Existence be Proved?
  • What is the proper way to contextualize the Gospels without changing the message?
  • Does prayer change things?
  • Is doubt sin?
  • What are we to conclude about the lack of archaeological evidence for Exodus?
  • Explain a possible error in the Bible.
  • How can you convince someone that self-refuting ideas can’t both be true?
  • Is Masonry wrong?
  • What is the best argument for Jesus’ resurrection?
  • What is a Christian’s obligation to the Mosaic Law?